The wireless nurse call system was implemented in November 2018 with 22 beds and 12 toilets in the internal department of Shams Al Shams Hospital (550 Army)
کلیدهای بیسیم احضار پرستار به همراه شاسی زیربالشتینمایشگر بیسیم وسخنگو سیستم احضار پرستار
The biomedical spokesperson nurse callling system was implemented in July 2018 with 31 beds and 8 toilets in the pediatric department of a Qaim hospital in Mashhad.
Nursing stationDisplay of 40 beds and servicesThe key to summon the nurse on the Farsar Tejarat console
The key to cancel the entrance to the bathroom and the key to summon the nursing nurse
The nurse calling system for the biomedical spokesperson was implemented in June 2018 with 21 beds and 8 toilets in the neurosurgery department of Qaim (Aj) Hospital in Mashhad.
Nursing stationDisplay of 32 biomedical boardsThe key to call the nurse on the Farsar Tejarat console