Implementation of the system of calling a talking nurse in the pediatric department of a Ghaem hospital in Mashhad

The biomedical spokesperson nurse callling system was implemented in July 2018 with 31 beds and 8 toilets in the pediatric department of a Qaim hospital in Mashhad.

Nursing station
Display of 40 beds and services
The key to summon the nurse on the Farsar Tejarat console

The key to cancel the entrance to the bathroom and the key to summon the nursing nurse


Implementation of the system of callinng a talking nurse in the internal ward of 3 Ghaem Hospital in Mashhad

The biomedical spokesperson nurse calling system was implemented in June 2017 with 31 beds and 8 toilets in the internal department of 3 Qaim Hospital in Mashhad.

Internal department of 3 Ghaem Hospital
Nurse call display panel
Console keys to call the nurse
Toilet pull switch
Pull key in call mode
Terminal box panel 45 nurse call bed
The key to cancel room calling requests

Implementation of the nurse calling system in the LDR department of Qaim Mashhad Hospital

The biomedical spokesperson nurse calling system was implemented in April 2017 with 13 beds and 11 toilets in the LDR (maternity) department of Qaim (Aj) Hospital in Mashhad.

Nurse call display panel

In the LDR department of Qaim Hospital, in order to visually bring the environment of the rooms closer to the relaxing environment of a hotel, conventional hospital equipment has not been used, and the keys to summon the nurse were implemented as built-in keys.

The key to call the built-in nurse
The key to call the built-in nurse
Toilet pull switch
Toilet pull switch
Head lamp – indicator
۳۰-board terminal box for summoning a nurse
Cancel key installed at the entrance of each room