The wireless nurse call system was implemented in November 2019 in Mashhad National Bank Hospital.
Wireless nurse call display
The key to call a nurse with a wireless pillowThe key to call a nurse with a wireless pillowThe key to call a nurse with a wireless pillowWireless nurse call pull keyThe key to call a nurse with a wireless pillowPager key for the doctor’s room with the possibility of calling the secretary, forbidden entry and entry of the next patient
The wireless nurse call system was implemented in February 2018 with 10 beds and toilets in the emergency department of Nabi Akram (PBUH) Hospital in Asalouye.
The wireless nurse call system was implemented in November 2018 with 13 beds and toilets in the ICU and CCU departments of Shaheswar private hospital in Tankabon city.
The wireless nurse call system was implemented in December 2018 with 8 beds and 3 toilets in the emergency department of Bo Ali Sina Army Hospital in Hamedan.
Wireless keys to summon a nurse with a sub-cushioned chassisWireless display and speaker of nurse call system