The nurse call system was implemented in Mehr 2019 with 130 beds and sanitary facilities in 10 departments of the 9th Day Torbet Heydarieh Hospital.
Numeratory display for calling the silent nurseThe built-in key to call a nurse in the console of Farsar Tejarat
The light on the door summons the nurseThe pull key to call the nurseThe built-in key to summon a nurse in the console of Farsar TejaratThe built-in key to call the nurse in the console of Farsar TejaratThe head lamp calling the nurseThe nurse call light is green in normal mode and red in call modeSilent nurse call displayThe built-in key to summon a nurse in the console of Farsar TejaratNumeratory display for calling the silent nurseNumeratory display for summoning the silent nurseThe light on the door to call the nurseThe built-in key to call the nurse in the vertical console of Farsar TejaratThe built-in key to call the nurse in the vertical console of Farsar TejaratBuilt-in nurse call key with port under the pillowNumeratory display for calling the silent nurseThe built-in key to call the nurse in the ceiling pillarThe built-in key to call the nurse in the ceiling pillarThe built-in key to call the nurse in the console of Farsar TejaratThe built-in key to call the nurse in the console of Farsar TejaratThe built-in key to call the nurse in the vertical console of Farsar TejaratThe built-in key to call the nurse in the console of Farsar TejaratThe built-in key to call a nurse in the Kara Tab company consoleThe built-in key to call the nurse in the console of Farsar TejaratNumeratory display for calling the silent nurseThe built-in key to call a nurse in the Kara Tab company consoleNumeratory display for calling the silent nurse
The nurse call system was implemented in April 2019 with 36 beds and toilets in the maternity, general surgery and ICU departments of Taleghani Torbet Jam Hospital.
Display and terminal box, 24 beds and servicesConsular key to summon the nurse۲۴-bed display and LDR service departmentConsole key to call the nurse with a sub-cushioned chassisThe key to cancel nurse callConsular key to call the nurseConsular key to call the nurseConsular key to call the nurseNurse call pull key – for service and bathroomConsular key to call the nurseThe key to cancel nurse callA built-in nurse call pad with a port under the pillowHead lamp – nurse call indicator
The wireless nurse call system was implemented in February 2018 with 10 beds and toilets in the emergency department of Nabi Akram (PBUH) Hospital in Asalouye.